Human Anatomy


The Department of Anatomy believes in collective responsibility and as a result, each Lecturer is assigned one or two courses by the Head of Department.  The Lecturer draws up lecture, practical and tutorial schedules which must be approved by the Head of Department before implementation.


The overall objectives of the Courses in Anatomy which covers the areas of Gross Anatomy, Histology, Embryology and Neuroanatomy are as follows:

That on completion of the courses, the successful student should be able to:

  • Correctly define and use scientific terms encountered in the various branches of Human Anatomy;
  • Correctly describe and communicate the human structure effectively in anatomical terms with other specialists in the health profession;
  • Apply selectively the information obtained from these courses in the solution of either abstract or real problems involving human biology in the Basic and Clinical Years of training;
  • Pursue further training in the Biological and other Health-related Professions;
  • Successfully complete appropriate examinations covering this content area.

The Department offers the following(s);

* B.Sc Human Anatomy

Head of Department – Dr. Tamuno-Olobo Johnbull

Academic Staff

S/N Names Rank
1 Johnbull Tamuno-Olobo Lecturer I view profile
2 Daminola Amakiri U. Francis Lecturer II view profile
3 Oboro-Aye Warebi Technologist I view profile
4 Dare Willie Nervey Professor view profile
5 Gabriel Sunday Oladipo Professor view profile
6 Ligha E. Aloysius Professor view profile
7 Chikwuogwo W. Paul Senior Lecturer view profile
8 Oyinbo Charles Senior Lecturer view profile
9 Michael Tarimobo Otobo Lecturer I view profile
10 Waritimi E. Gilbert Lecturer I view profile
11 Atoni Atoni Dogood Lecturer II view profile
12 Tabowei U. Luther Lecturer II view profile

Lecturer Statistics

Professor 3
Associate Professor 0
Senior Lecturer 3
Lecturer I 3
Lecturer II 3
Assistant Lecturer 0
Graduate Assistant 0
Year 1 Male Students    ——– Female Students    ——–
Year 2 Male Students    ——– Female Students     ———
Year 3 Male Students    ——— Female Students    ——–
Year 4 Male Students    ——— Female Students    ———
Year 5 Male Students    ——– Female Students    ———


Undergraduate Programme

Duration: *

Class Attendance: *

Semesters: *

Male Lecturers: *

Female Lecturers: *