The fundamental objective and philosophy of the undergraduate programme is to equip student with knowledge of economics and sociology necessary for proper management of farming, agribusiness and community development activities in our economy. On graduation, it is expected that the students of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development will have acquired skills to:

  • Formulate social and economic policies aimed at agricultural/community development.


  • Undertake needs assessment of rural communities with a view to evolving appropriate agricultural and community development programmes.


  • Assist government and non-governmental organizations in planning and implementing of agricultural and community development projects and programmes.


  • Appraise investment opportunities and projects in farming and agribusiness as well as provide investment advisory services to clients


  • Set up and profitably manage farming and agribusiness enterprises for income and employment generation in the economy.


  • Undertake formal and informal training of farmers and agribusiness entrepreneurs in modern technique of profitable farming and agribusiness enterprise management.
  • The Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development offers the following programmes;
  • B.Sc. in Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development
  • Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Agricultural Economics
  • Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
  • Master of Science (MSc.) in Agricultural Economics
  • Master of Science (MSc.) in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)in Agricultural Economics
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
  • Food security.
  • Food policy.
  • Rural sociology.

HOD Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development – Prof. Ineye D. Ekpebu

Academic Staff

S/N Names Rank
1 Custodian Deberechi Akudo Nnadi Lecturer I view profile
2 Ineye Douglas Ekpebu Professor view profile
3 Kainga Prince Ebiowei Professor view profile
4 Edmond A. Allison-Oguru Professor view profile
5 Ominikari Abraham Godwin Lecturer I view profile
6 Morgan Nimiye Couple Lecturer II view profile
7 Bethel Oyeindoubra Lecturer II view profile
8 Ebiware Education Sikpi Lecturer II view profile
9 Bai Erebuokumo Mike Lecturer II view profile
10 Samuel Preye Jimmy Lecturer II view profile
11 Okiringbo Julius Inemo Assistant Lecturer view profile
12 Agadaga Benetari Ben Assistant Lecturer view profile
13 Dobie Allen Wasini Assistant Lecturer view profile
14 Obiene Miriam Marcus Graduate Assistant view profile
15 EKIYOR ABRAHAM TUBOULAYEFA Graduate Assistant view profile

Lecturer Statistics

Professor 3
Associate Professor 1
Senior Lecturer Nil
Lecturer I 1
Lecturer II 2
Assistant Lecturer 7
Graduate Assistant Nil
Year 1 Male Students  –  161 Female Students  – 256
Year 2 Male Students  –  101 Female Students  – 135
Year 3 Male Students  –  85 Female Students  –  120
Year 4 Male Students  –  76 Female Students  – 145
Year 5 Male Students  –  36 Female Students  – 52


NDU Agricultural Economics Programme

Duration: 5 years

Class Attendance: 70%

Semesters: 10

Male Lecturers: 10

Female Lecturers: 3

Male Students: 459

Female Students: 708